Transforming Meetings Training


Tired of boring, ineffective meetings?

Want to make the best use of everyone's thinking?

Take the next step.

Transforming Meetings Training

Underpinned by the 10 components of the Thinking Environment® conceived by Nancy Kline and outlined in her book, ‘More Time to Think’, the session will give participants the ability to…

  • Set engaging agendas that get participants thinking before they arrive.
  • Facilitate engaging meetings that achieve better results and in less time.
  • Draw on the resourcefulness of meeting attendees.
  • Create an environment for teams to be imaginative in their problem solving.
  • Ensure that high quality thinking goes beyond the meeting itself.

Encourage independent thinking

Appreciate the value of everyone's thinking

Create spaces where people think brilliantly

Chair meetings with ease.

How we can work together

This full-day session is designed for 6 -10 people, who want to know how to organise,  chair or simply, fully participate in effective meetings.
Get more done in less time by making the best use of everyone's thinking - even before the meeting starts!

The session is fully supported with all the necessary learning materials ahead and facilitated expertly via Zoom.  In-person training can be also be arranged if desired.


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    "Great training session from Tim. Was very inclusive and allowed time to think whilst being open and honest and working collectively. It will certainly impact on all my future meetings."

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    "It would be nice if everyone did this training so we learn to use people's time and contribution more respectfully and productively."

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    "Thanks for demonstrating how we can be both more human AND more effective by just enabling people to think properly."

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    "really good investment to help leadership teams run meetings"

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    "It's great to have the time to think meaningfully. This course does that in buckets."

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    "This session of transforming meetings does exactly what it says on the tin. It gives practical, specific and incredibly user friendly tips which can be used to transform your meetings in to arenas for discussion and dialogue and ensures equality in these meetings. A definite must for anyone unsure of how to make their meetings more productive."

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    "This is a really excellent training for not just effective meetings but also working with teams in general and getting the most out of your team."  Jackie Clarke 

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    "Very enjoyable study day that challenged my thinking about how meetings run and how they could be better. It made me reflect on how I can improve the meetings I am in both as a chair and as a participant. Thank you Tim."


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    "Tim was an engaging, knowledgeable and warm presenter. All the materials, tips and methods shared were interesting, informative and I can clearly see the benefit these will have in my working life. "

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    "A brilliant session that has revolutionised my thinking about meetings!  Looking forward to taking this back to base to try and improve our meeting cultures."

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    "I am so glad that I have done this session so early in my career. This has undoubtedly provided me with tools to encourage active, attentive participation and thinking in future meetings I host."

    Dr Hilary Graffy



Please get in touch to discuss your specific requirements for your team or organisation

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